WEX 12A - 90 Hour Work Experience Program
Those wishing to explore their career options in more depth may enroll in the 90 hour career preparation program. This program offers students the opportunity to experience multiple work placements with different employers. This Grade 12 elective course will provide students with valuable resume-enhancing experience and career exploration.
Course Overview:
-Students earn four Grade 12 elective credits.
-Students are given a study block in their timetable in Grade 12 (optional).
-Students must complete at least 90 hours of career-specific, unpaid work experience in grade 11 and /or 12.
-Ideally this experience should be gained with more than one employer.
-Work experience should relate to students’ future career goals and study interests.
-Students must also complete a short Career Cruising Project that helps them prepare for job interviews. This assignment is worth 20% of the WEX 12A (90 hour) course.
Click here for the assignment:
Course Overview:
-Students earn four Grade 12 elective credits.
-Students are given a study block in their timetable in Grade 12 (optional).
-Students must complete at least 90 hours of career-specific, unpaid work experience in grade 11 and /or 12.
-Ideally this experience should be gained with more than one employer.
-Work experience should relate to students’ future career goals and study interests.
-Students must also complete a short Career Cruising Project that helps them prepare for job interviews. This assignment is worth 20% of the WEX 12A (90 hour) course.
Click here for the assignment:
-Students only complete the 30 or the 90 hour program, not both.
Click here to print a work experience request form:
Click here to print a work experience request form: